Strong Wazifa For Marriage Proposal

Strong Wazifa For Marriage Proposal

Strong Wazifa For Marriage Proposal or for marriage proposal acceptance can be use to get good marriage proposals. You can use our wazifa for marriage in 21 days. Times runs just like water, and with it, so does our life and with it our age. After a certain period, some people have difficulties in getting marriage proposals. Strong wazifa for marriage proposal is just for you if you are also having problems getting marriage proposals.

After a certain age or some other reasons, people do not get a marriage proposal or stop coming. And it becomes very humiliating for them. The lack of proposals could be anyone, but it does not lower the amount of humiliation or insecurities. Any person, no matter the gender and of any age, can perform it. It will help you no matter who you are, as long as you are a true Muslim and offer namaz five times a day.

Strong Wazifa For Marriage Proposal

Strong Wazifa For Marriage Proposal

If you are also having this situation in your life, then it is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone wants to get married and have a good life. To perform strong wazifa for marriage proposal, do the following procedure:

  •         Make fresh ablution
  •         The, recite durood sharif three times
  •         Now recite the following dua for 11 times

Bis-mi-lla-hil Wa-ssi-u ja-lla-la ja-laa-lu-hoo

  •         Now pray Allah to get a decent proposal

This prayer should not get in between with your regular namaz and perform it for 11 days. Please put fragrance in the room. Do not worries Allah will help those in need. Have faith in him even if things get difficult in the future.

Strong Wazifa For Marriage Proposal Acceptance

Strong Wazifa For Marriage Proposal Acceptance, A strong and good marriage proposal comes, you accepted it, but now it is the time for it to be accepted. You like the person very much and want to marry him/ her.  But the time of waiting is getting big, and it is making you anxious. Now you think it is time for some action, and you can not just sit back. Then Strong wazifa for marriage proposal is just for you.

As we know, there could be so many reasons for delay in acceptance, and the main reason would be he/she has another proposal, and you seem just lost in it. Not only this, there could be so many reasons for your proposal not getting accepted. But do not worry, wazifa for marriage proposal acceptance is very strong. It will help you overcome every type of hurdle and help you get married to the same person.

Be sure to clean your hand and feet before doing it. This wazifa should not get in between with your regular namaz. It is obligatory to do “Salat” before the wazifa. To do the wazifa, recite the following dua 100 times for 40 days.

Sah-lam bi fa-qu-du-llah yaa azeez Rah-maRa-him 

Every person can perform it, no matter the age or gender. But make sure to have it clear in your mind that whom you want, and the proposal is right for you.

Wazifa For Marriage In 21 Days

Wazifa For Marriage In 21 Days, Everyone wants to get married at the right time and the right age. There is pressure from marriage, and you think it is getting late for you. Also, you think it is an important part of life, one which should not be delayed.

If you face any of the problems, then wazifa for marriage in 21 days is just the one for you. This wajifa will benefit all those who have reached the age of marriage. Do not worry, my brothers and sisters, it is very usual to have this feeling

Wazifa for marriage in 21 days will help you get married and help you ease your heart. After performing it, you will see it happening in front of your eyes. There will be a good proposal, and you will see it getting accepted and getting married to the right person.

To do this, wazifa follow the procedure given below:

  •         Make fresh ablution (very important) (you can also wear fresh clothes)
  •         Now, recite Darood E Sharif 11 times
  •         Now recite, Y Lateefu for 100 times (without stopping or braking or pausing)
  •         While praying, you have to visual their face and say the name of the boy or girl.
  •         At the end, you have to recite Surah Yasin

Make sure to do it daily without leaving a single day. It is really important to have in heart and have positive views towards your future. As it also helps you attract good things in life.

Wazifa To Get A Good Marriage Proposal

Wazifa To Get A Good Marriage Proposal, You have seen so many marriage proposals, but nothing seems good or acceptable. You want to do something about it and can’t bear to sit idle. Do not worry my Muslim brother and sister this wazifa to get a good marriage proposal is here for you as every person can perform it no matter the age or gender but have to be a true Muslim.

If you perform it, you would be taking care of your future. And it is not bad for doing it. After all, we are also responsible for our lives and want them to be beautiful and prosperous. I recommended it to some I know, and it helped him a lot. The person got a good spouse, and they are now living happily. So I encourage you to do it, for the better of your life and the one around you as your happiness is their happiness also.

To do this, wazifa follow the methods given below:

  •         First, wash hand feet and sit in a peaceful place and make proper arrangements.
  •         Then, do Wazifa maghrib namaz
  •         Then recite the following for 200 times for 21 days.

         Ya wa-ka-re An-jum Na-bbi Aji-tu-llah Assa-lam su-ra-te Qu-allah.

You have to recite the wazifa without breaking or pausing after performing this wazifa, pray to Allah for a good marriage proposal and have faith in him. If you do any wajifa, it will be successful only if you have complete faith in Allah. Therefore keep your trust in Allah; He will make you successful in your mission.

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#acceptance #in #21 #days #to #get #good

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